Updated 6/05/07
photographs below are a representative sample of the
materials available from the National Archives and the Navy Historical
Center. Though there are many photographs in our collection, only
a small portion are shown here. Several years ago, our Association
Archivist began working with the creators of the NavSource website.
Since that time, at least 325 LCS(L) photos have been placed on
line at the NavSource website. Because posting them here would be
redundant, you are invited to view the complete collection at
www.NavSource.org. The
LCS(L) Association is also in the process of writing individual ship
histories for the NavSource site, and at least 59 of them are already on
line. For a list of these ships, click on Research at the bottom of
this page.
Our presentation on this page shows
Mighty Midgets from their construction phase through their launching and
completion. Also included are photos of the ships at Iwo Jima, the
Philippines, and Okinawa. Other photos show an LCS(L) returning from
the war and one being prepared for mothballing.
LCS(L) 26 under construction at Commercial Iron Works, 21 July 1944 |
LCS(L) 73 under construction at Albina Engine &
Machine Works, 11 January 1945 |

Mrs. C. Gregory, wife of the Machinist Leadman, christening LCS(L)
28, 19 August 1944 at Commercial Iron Works, Portland, Oregon |

LCS(L) 50 builder's completion photo taken at Albina
Engine & Machine Works, Portland, Oregon,
19 September 1944 |

LCS(L) 50 under way, 19 September 1944 |
 This view of
LCS(L) 50
shows her 3"50 bow gun,
19 September 1944 |

LCS(L) 78 going down the ways at Albina Engine
& Machine Works, Portland, Oregon, 28 February 1945 |
LCS(L)s 92, 93, and 94 await completion
after their launching in late December, 1944, at Commercial Iron
Works, Portland, Oregon |
LCS(L) 33 cruising in the South Pacific in early 1945
LCS(L)s 34 and 36 making a run on the beach
at Iwo Jima, 19 February 1945 |

LCS(L) 8 standing by off Corregidor as paratroopers drop
on to the island, 16 February 1945 |
LCS(L) 10 stands by as LCI(L) 363 loads
Philippine guerrillas |

LCS(L) 11 maneuvers off the landing beach at Okinawa, 1 April 1945 |
LCS(L)s 121 and 123 on patrol off Okinawa,
1945 |

LCS(L) 12 under way, showing her single 40mm bow gun

LCS(L) 72 under way, showing her 40mm bow gun |
LCS(L) 55 passing under the Golden Gate Bridge as she
returns to the states in early 1946 |

LCS(L) 25 undergoing pre-inactivation dry dock
work at Portland, Oregon, April 1946 |