Updated 12/03/09 The Association membership is made up of the men that served on the Mighty Midgets, their spouses and their children. We are very interested in attracting new members. We really want more of the children or grandchildren of the men that served on these ships to join the association and to attend the annual reunion meetings. The real reasons for joining the Association are as much for helping to preserve an important piece of history as becoming a member of the extended LCS family. I am currently the WEB Master of the Association. I initially joined to learn more about what my father did during WWII. After joining and attending a few reunions I felt it important to help maintain the piece of history written by the men that served on these ships. Now that the Association achieved possession of the 102 it is more important than ever to join the Association. To join, go to the FORMS page by clicking on FORMS, print the Membership Renewal form, fill it in and send it in as described on the FORMS page.