Updated 12/19/08 For me the highlight of the 2008 Reunion was the visit we made to the LCS(L) 102. I attended the Transfer ceremony the previous November and toured the 102. The difference in the condition of the ship between the two visits was amazing. Admiral Mason and his crew of volunteers had really done a great job on the 102. The primary source of the volunteers came from a car club known as Boyz Under the Hood. Click on Boyz Under the Hood in the previous sentence to visit their web site. Whenever there was a need for going to the Reserve Fleet to retrieve furniture and other items, they were readily available. They furnished trucks to transport the items from Benicia to the ship. Equally important was their willingness to participate in paint days. The Boyz Under the Hood who assisted were Chip Carter, Larry Collins, Mike Brigandi, Charlie DaLamater, Brenda DaLamater, Steve Lane, Mark Miller, Chris Miller, Mike Preston, Larry Torres, and Mike Wertz. Chip was the organizer of the group. He would round up the Boyz. Click on 102 Renovation to see the page covering the work that has been done on the 102 and the volunteers that have helped so much to get the ship into its current state. The visit to the LCS(L) 102 during the 2008 Reunion started with a Memorial Service. The Memorial Service started with a welcome speech by the 2007 Skipped Edward Desmond of the 128. This was followed by the Presenting of Colors by the Travis Air Force Base Honor Guard. The current Executive Officer Robert Cowell of the 128 led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Vallejo Middle School Band members led by John Rooney played The Start Spangled Banner. The Travis Air Force Base Honor Guard then Posted the Colors. Edward Desmond presented each of the widows in attendance at the service with a corsage and a flower they would later toss in the river in honor of their husbands. The Memorial Wreath was presented by Don & Ryan Hawkins, Melinda Stewart Hardin and Steve Mitchell. Walt Longhurst of the 61 read Psalm 23 and read the Memorial Address. John Rooney of the 82 read the Necrology and Gilbert Nadeau of the 45 rang the bell. Taps was played by the Vallejo Middle School Band and John Rooney did the Navy Hymn. Gil Nadeau then signaled "Welcome Home LCS 102". If you know people in these pictures that are not named in the caption, please send their names to John.Wisner@cox.net. Recommendations for updates to the photo captions are also appreciated. Please pay special attention to the photos that have a series of question marks. The following pictures were taken at the Memorial Service and during a tour of the LCS(L) 102 which followed the service. The first set of pictures were donated by Anita Simpson. TO ENLARGE OF ANY PICTURE, CLICK ON THE THUMBNAIL The following pictures were donated by Ginny Rooney. The following photos were donated by me, John Wisner. I took these pictures during the visit to the LCS(L) 102 as part of the 2008 Reunion. |